St. Francis of Assisi - Patron Saint of Pets
Ministering to the spiritual needs of pets...
and their faithful human companions.
St. Francis of Assisi - Patron Saint of Pets


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Grief Counseling Green Pastures Contact Info Our Little Friend Toby


     Dr. Damon Leigh adamantly believes that there is no legitimate substitute for first-rate, professional veterinary care in maintaining and, when necessary, restoring the physical health of your pet.  Every pet parent should see to it that their pet is regularly examined and cared for by a competent, compassionate and duly licensed veterinarian.  To deviate from this accepted norm of good pet care would be highly irresponsible, to say the least.

     That having been said, The Pet Pastor also believes in the power of prayer and meditation as a additional tool that we have available to us to use in advancing your pet's physical healing processes and for transmitting comfort and tranquility to your pet's indwelling spirit to also aid in healing.  We certainly do not hesitate to offer up prayers to The Almighty when our human family members or friends are in need of Divine assistance when suffering through physical ailment or infirmity.  Why then should we not also make this effort on behalf of our pets?  In doing so, we shall simply and humbly prevail upon Our Heavenly Father to restore to perfect health an innocent, suffering being of His own perfect creation.

     Dr. Leigh believes that all our prayers are answered by God.  Sometimes, however, in His infinite wisdom (but to our own dismay), His answer is "No".  In such circumstances, ours is not to reason why... ours is but to accept the inevitable.  In the interest of being humane, it may become necessary to assist the suffering pet's immortal spirit in its struggle to divest itself of the misery-laden confines of a deteriorating physical body.  When all reasonable hope of recovery is lost and there is no longer any viable alleviation of suffering available, we must consider allowing a compassionate veterinarian to euthanize our beloved pet.

     If you are faced with this heartrending prospect, The Pet Pastor is available to serve you and your pet's spiritual needs.  Before the final act of euthanasia, we shall pray together for the spiritual well being of your pet as he prepares to depart from the travail of this mortal existence for the bliss of the life beyond.  We shall supplicate the benevolent intercession of God and St. Francis on his behalf that his transcendence is comfortable and peaceful.

     After your beloved pet has been freed from his mortal suffering, you will undoubtedly experience the pain of grief.  Even though your heart tells you that you have done the right thing, it is nonetheless human to feel the distress of loss.  At such time, The Pet Pastor can spiritually assist you in your own recovery with Grief Counseling.

     Contact Dr. Leigh if ever your need arises.  You ought not to bear this heavy burden alone.

The Lord bless you and keep you.
May He show His face to you and have mercy.
May He turn His countenance to you and give you peace.
The Lord bless you!
St. Francis of Assisi


The Church of the Pet Pastor cannot exist without your kindhearted support.  A benevolent monetary contribution of $75.00 is requested.  Any additional amount you may wish to contribute to our ministry is sincerely appreciated and will be conscientiously applied to defray our business and travel expenses and operating overhead.  Thank you very much.  May our Heavenly Father bless you forevermore for your kindness and generosity.



Spiritual Healings Pet Blessings Testimonials Internet Links

Memorial Services

Grief Counseling Green Pastures Contact Info Our Little Friend Toby

© 2002 Rev. Damon Leigh, D.D.

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